
Friday, 17 August 2018

How much did Michael Jackson have in assets when he died

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At the time of his death Michael still had huge assets, but he had awful cash flow problems. He held various other smaller ones but let’s just talk about the two aces in his pocket: Neverland and the Sony/ATV Catalog. To keep it simple, we’ll say at the time of his death they were collectively in the ballpark of half a billion ($500m). Reports vary and not everything is entirely public about it. The problem was that Michael bet and borrowed against the value of these things for a long time and so when he died, if I recalled correctly he had about $2.5m cash on hand—of course that’s a lot for most of us but practically nothing for him, and honestly pretty dangerously low funds to have for someone of his profile. Also to keep it simple we won’t include anything AEG did for This is It production and its current value at the time of his death. It was a big messy thing to deal with and took months (years?) to figure out and settle many creditor claims against Michael and to settle out with AEG.
My memory of the will details are fuzzy and I will definitely double-check, but I do recall it was a very basic, straight-forward arrangement.
I need to re-read the will and for specifics, but as far as I know, his heirs have not yet earned anything that has been specifically set aside for them. Their trusts do not begin funding until they reach 21 years of age respectively (they are currently 20, 19, and 15). I can’t quite remember what the rates or dollar amounts that go into the trusts are, but it is close or equal to the amount willed to charities and humanitarian efforts, with a smaller portion dedicated elsewhere, possibly to Katherine. Currently, the three children and their grandmother Katherine have an allowance of $60k monthly, in addition to their primary expenses being covered such as education, housing, and administrative overhead. Katherine doles out much of that to several of her other adult children. They have other income sources as well (for example, Paris models, and at least three other family members are engaged in business matters) but they aren’t as loaded as their father was…yet. It remains to be seen.
As it is right now the beneficiaries live comfortably and are taken care of but are not wiping their butts with $100 bills. The children have quite a few years to go before they start collecting on their trusts, and sometime in their 20s or 30s are able to take over as estate executors. The current exectuorts
Right now there is an ongoing IRS issue with the Estate that went to trial in January. It wasn’t a jury trial and because of other information that surfaced it’s still in debate over how much the Estate owes the IRS in taxes.

According to Court documents filed in the year 2010 the Jackson state had 310 millions dollars from July 2009 and December 2010. Also the world wide sales of 'posthumous' album and sales of DVD film  'This is It' has had earned an extra $90 millions totaling to $400 millions.
from $310 million earned till 2010, $159 million are used to pay his debts, supporting his children and covering the memorial services charges. Jackson's Estate is still benefiting from the publicity and is maintaining $200 million income per year.
Initial reports upon his death said that he had $1 billion in assets but also had $500 million in debt.  However, this didn't account for his royalties for work that he gave other artists (written songs/music) and whatever endorsements he had.
After a couple years had passed, his bottom line had been reduced to $400 million.  As of October 2013, the taxes have not been calculated according to a report by the IRS.
To date, the assets have yet to be divided as there are still ongoing court proceedings regarding his assets.

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