
Friday, 28 August 2020

Healthy body

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Belly fat is considered stubborn fat in human body, the accumulation of fat on Lower belly which gives an appearance of lemon on stick body figure. 


There are two types of belly fat - Visceral: this fat surrounds a person's organs Subcutaneous: this is a fat that sits Under the Skin, however health complications from visceral fat are more harmful than having subcutaneous fat people can make many lifestyle and dietary changes to lose belly fat Genetics factors:

 There are some evidence that a person's genes can play a part in whether or not they become obese (obesity) Let's look at some factors that can leads to fat (belly fat) lack of adequate exercise and a balanced diet Too much Sugars in the body can cause belly fat when they Settle on the lower belly, people can get belly fat through stress, this is as a result of cortisol levels in the body rights resulting in storage of fat around the belly area. lack of adequate proteins in the body can result to belly fat. people consuming too much food and little exercise are likely to carry excess weight (belly fat) this happens due to a decreasing level of estrogen,which appears to influence where fat is distributed in the body some fat in humans, like brown fat shares the presence of small lipid droplet and numerous iron-rich.
Mitochondria causing the brown appearance.  Aging causes belly fat,as we get old Testosterone increasingly breaks down into  dihydrotesterone in the body.
And dihydrotesterone is associated with some health problems, This involves  enlarged prostate and a proclivity for putting fat in the abdomen.
Studies have linked high alcohol intake to weight gain around the middle,some researchers found that men who consumed more than three drinks per day were 80% more likely to have excess belly fat than men who consumed less alcohol. The quantity of alcohol consumed within a 24 hour period appears to play a  role.
Wrong Gut Bacteria:These can also cause belly fat,hundreds of types bacteria,these gut are also known as your gut flora or microbiome,Gut health is important for maintaining healthy immune system and avoiding disease.

An imbalance in gut bacteria increases your risk of developing type 2 diabetes,heart disease,cancer and other diseases.
There are also some research suggesting that having an unhealthy balance of gut bacteria may promote weight gain including belly fat.
Another one is fruit juice,some fruits are sources of  liquid calories that's easy to consume too much of it yet still fails to satisfy your appetite in the same way as solid food.
Therefore it's important to note,fruit juice is a high sugar beverage that can promote insulin resistance and belly fat gain if you take too much of it.

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